Thursday, 31 March 2016

Apakah jenis kecerdasan minda anda dan anak2 anda?

Semua orang dilahirkan dengan keupayaan yang berbeza-beza. Oleh itu, kehebatan setiap insan itu tentunya berbeza! Sesetengah individu lebih baik bekerja berseorangan, ada pula lebih baik bekerja secara berpasukan , ada pula individu yang perlu belajar melalui muzik dan sesetengah pula memerlukan visual untuk memahami maklumat.

Dengan kata lain, anak-anak kita juga begitu. Tiada satu kaedah pengajaran yang berkesan untuk semua kanak-kanak. Oleh itu sebagai seorang therapis yang bekerja dengan ramai kanak-kanak, ia adalah sangat penting bagi kami untuk mengetahui apakah kekuatan mereka secara individu bagi meningkatkan minat mereka dalam pembelajaran untuk mendengar dan memahami bunyi .

Di merata dunia, kita hanya mementingkan tentang pengiraan, membaca dan menulis. Tetapi, sebenarnya seorang Saintis bernama Howard Gardner, telah mengesan 9 jenis kecerdasan minda dan setiap orang mempunyai kelebihan dalam 9 kecerdasan in secara berbeza: 

1.     Kinestatic (Body Smart) : Kecerdasan badan
2.     Linguistic (Word Smart) : Kecerdasan Linguistik
3.     Logical (Number Smart)  : Kecerdasan Nombor dan logik
4.     Interpersonal (People Smart): Kecerdasan secara sosial
5.     Intrapersonal (Myself Smart): Kecerdasan diri sendiri
6.     Musical (Musical Smart) : Kecerdasan muzikal
7.     Visual/Spatial Smart (Picture Smart) : Kecerdasan secara visual
8.     Naturalistic (Nature Smart): Kecerdasan Alam
9.     Existential: Pemahaman tentang kewujudan

Oleh itu, pentingnya kita mengesan apakah jenis kecerdasan anak-anak kita sebelum kita mulakan terapi di rumah juga.  

Dr Shasa Aziz

Monday, 6 July 2015

The art of Audiogram

So what do you think about this audiogram? hehe

Lol.. If you are a very technical person like me, you would not even think the picture on top is actually a dog or a dinosaur. I was like, this doesn't fit this rule and that rule.hehe

But the second one was quite obvious its a porcupine or maybe platipus..  ehehe
I think i have too much time in my hands now. :P

Dr Shasa Aziz

Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Launch of Hearing and Balance Centre 8th of March 2015

"If you can dream it, you can do it." --Walt Disney

About a month ago, we finally launched Eartistic Hearing and Balance Centre (EHAB). It was a dream our Principle Audiologist, Dr Shasa Aziz never thought it would realise and we have sooo many people to thank for. Its a new beginning for EHAB's team but we can foresee itll be an amazingly interesting journey ahead, may god bless.

Our team! Nurse@ custormer service rep Nabila and Shahirah.

It was a few months of planning. In December, we managed to get the right company to work with for our marketing collateral's, deco for the launch and candy buffet. Yeah i am a candy buffet freak! Every party that i host, MUST have a candy buffet ;) .

Introducing Lady Misfits ;) Esqa and Dina.

 The awesome cousins! Esqa and Dina <3

 lol!! with my sister and sis in laws ;)
Warning - Dont do this at home!!

 Anyway, in the process, Dr Shasa Aziz had to go back and forth to Putrajaya to really convince MOH that this Audiology Centre is worth launching for ;).  Since there is STILL NO ACT to support the Audiology Profession in Malaysia, it was very hard to get recognition. So when YB Dato Seri agreed to attend, we did our victory 'dance' la apa lagi!!!! We are so humbled to be given this chance and honestly, Dato Seri Hilmi is very very kind and very knowledgeable. 

  Meet Utantic ;) ..  our HEARING MASCOT.  Soon ull be able to follow his journey. How he handles hearing impairment gracefully.

 Thank you Dato Seri Hilmi Yahaya, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz, Ms Darleena (President MANSA) and Dr Rafidah (UKM) for making this event memorable and grand!

So here's more pictures...
The awesome Audiology Industry team in Malaysia


 Lil Aa won the colouring contest ...

Chocolate Decibels that can really make u sing to the right pitch ;) ... 
May god bless this journey and i hope this venture will benefit more people and that i can sleep at night thinking I've made someones life a whole lot better.  

Lastly, to those who came, thank you for making time and made the event more special! God Bless you always ;) .

Written by,
Dr Shasa Aziz ;)